Interphone Study
Authors: Klose, M; based on the research of Tillmann and Lerchl et al (2010)
Conducting the study: German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
Source: InterPhone
Date: 2010-2011
n= >5000 test subjects; Study in 13 countries in total, financed from public funding as well as approx. 30 percent of the mobile phone industry. The Focus of the study was the influence of mobile phone radiation on brain tumours.
No increased risk of the formation of brain tumours as a result of normal mobile phone use. The risk was even partially reduced by mobile phones! Inconclusive findings with increased mobile phone use: increased number of gliomas (brain tumours) as a result of increased mobile phone use.
However, no biological-medical explanation was found during the course of the study. Evaluation by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS): Further studies are needed, particularly in the use of mobile phones by children!
The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields from Mobile Communications on Male Fertility
Author: Pophof, B.
Conducting the study: BfS
Date: 19. March 2014
The impact of electromagnetic fields originating from mobile phones on male fertility was investigated in a number of national and international studies. Studies on humans consistently show reduced fertility in humans who regularly use a mobile phone. However, this is in all probability caused by the lifestyle of these persons, and not by electromagnetic fields.
Laboratory studies predominantly show thermal effects above the limits which can be explained by the high-temperature sensitivity of sperm. This type of high exposure does not occur in the day-to-day use of mobile phones. Even if a mobile phone is transmitting in a trouser pocket, the exposure of the testicles to electrosmog is well below the limits and a thermal effect cannot be ruled out.
The findings from tests on animals show contradictory results dependent upon the quality of the study. Studies that meet the qualitative requirements of good scientific practice do not demonstrate that electromagnetic fields have any health-related impact of on fertility. As many of the observations described have not been clarified conclusively. WHO recommends more research in this area in its Research Agenda 2010.